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Dual credit courses - College Confidential Forums
College course work should be listed under the College and not under the HS. Here is what the UC application guide states: ** If any college/university-level courses were completed while in high school (including those completed as part of a dual enrollment program), applicants can add the college information after completing the high school ...

High school science course progression for future APs - Pre-College ...
Physics C E&M is not as widely offered as the other science APs. The most important AP courses are Calc AB/BC, Chemistry, Physics C Mechanics, AP Language, then either APUSH/Government. E&M is a bonus. As another poster mentioned, if E&M is really important, then take one each semester at community college.

FAQ Pre-med courses, AP/IB/etc. credit and college/DE courses, etc
Frequently asked questions from pre-meds in college and prospective pre-meds in high school often involve AP/IB/etc. credit and college or dual enrollment courses taken while in high school. This page hopes to answer some of these questions. (Thanks to @WayOutWestMom for help writing this page.) A. Course requirements and policies relating to the issues described here for specific medical ...

What do the Course Numbers mean? - College Confidential Forums

So, I’m going to be a freshman this fall in college. My college doesn’t allow freshmen to choose classes until June, but they did give me a link to all classes offered first semester next year.

I noticed the course numbers varied from 100-400. I understand that 100’s are the easier courses, and the 400’s are the toughest, but I do have a question, even if it is silly.

How do I properly A-G match community college courses?
Currently filing out CSU application and have come to A-G matching page. I inputted all my community college courses as college coursework in the application. They were not automatically matched like my high school courses. How do I properly match them to a category? Is there a website I should reference? Also, if I were to match all of them I’d have 35 years of credit and my GPA plummets ...

Difference between 4 credit classes and 3 credit classes? - College ...

I recently learned that many colleges use the 4 credit class system whereas mine uses the 3 credit class system. In the 3 credit system, students generally take 5 3-credit courses per semester for a total of 15 credits. In the 4-credit system, students generally take 4 4-credit courses per semester for a total of 16 credits. Taking this amount of courses per semester allows the student to ...

AP vs Community college classes - College Confidential Forums
Unless your community college is the exception to the rule, it’s far better to take AP classes. In our area, AP classes are academically rigorous, to the point that they are the equal of even T20 level classes, but community college classes are so low level as to be rivaled by some middle school classes.

What to write for details about gap year? - College Confidential Forums
There’s this question: “Please use the space below to provide details about the change in progression through secondary/high school that you indicated above.” I am taking a gap semester and am applying for colleges in the spring because of some family conditions. What information should I include in this section like why I took a gap term and what I did during that time?

Repeated course GPA for UC/CSU - College Confidential Forums
Seems that such varying calculations by campus differ from the CSU systemwide calculation shown at GPA Calculator | CSU, which says that college courses are given honors points (but only up to 8 honors points total can be included, so if the student already has 8 from high school honors or AP courses, the college courses will not add more ...

Cal Poly SLO Class of 2029 Freshman Discussion Thread
As long as they are CSU transferable and taken the summer after 9th to the summer prior to 12th, she can get the GPA boost however, the CSU’s including Cal Poly SLO cap the extra Honors points in the GPA calculation to 8 semesters so if she meets the Cap with HS courses, then the College courses will not boost the GPA any further but her ...




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